jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

The technology consume me (¿or eat me?)

The technology is an art that at helped must beyond certainness limits, of to fight with disability that we have who humans. Now is necessary for achieve results that we ask the globalized world in that we move. Taking all piece of technology that exists in this area, I prefer the notebook. ¿Why? Because is essential for my activities who student, who person that need to communicate with important persons that isn't near to me, or send universities works, as well to look through the news, I need report me of the actuality, of the political process, between others.
The notebook is to me, indispensable to could keep in touch whit the global society.
I acquired my notebook who present for to achieve study in this university, my father buy me this piece in a great company. In that moment, I felt much moved, because I didn't wait this surprise. Since that date, I use without stop my notebook (I really love it). I utilize an average seven or six hours every day. who said, this piece is essential to me and to my university life. My life without it, would be a terrible experience, because today, the complete world need this technology to express, and wouldn’t be "on the top" whit my more nearby circle of well-know. All they have a notebook (with internet).
No doubt, this piece changes my routine of life, creating a new shape: the virtual communication, achieving bring me more with my friend, or my familiars, and to know new people in other countries around the world.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Public Managment: Since the Goverment Until the Person

The Public Managment (or Adminitration) born how to answer at the difficult in the direction of society in the political parameters.
I choose this career because, i feel interested in this area, althoug isn't my prority in all universe of university specialization, but is a area where is necessary to incluide premise how: Probity, Transparency, Legality, and other concepts that are relevant to improve this idea of "to give oneself over to vice".
The professional in this area has to be qualified to drive the tools that exist in the public organism, to achieve a best result that benefits all sides of this country. The professional will need to have, a expansion (of knowledge) in differents fields that to need in this globalized word, organized by tecnologies and new modality of communication, political of extention. But is too necessary to increase this tools at a best communication, physical contact, lear to speak between the comunity. We need (how professional) to improve this mistake, is necessary to advance in this way, to improve the comunication between Public Organism and Person, to imporve the figure that has been battered to mistaken of past and so on arrive to be the great figure, the fundamental column in everything to go when we need non-problem and conviced of the organism that it help us.
Inside of this career the favourite subject is "History of Political Thought", because contain the evolution of the political thought, this is really interesting for me.

That is :)

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

I try (to)be a person?

Hi dear classmates and teacher !

My name's Marcos Benjamin Bravo Banda, and I'm 19 years old. i study public managment in the University of Chile.

This is my first blog where i write in english, so, i know that is very difficult (to me)the COMUNICATION, because i dislike practice in this language.

In my free time, i love to be whit my girlfriend, that i met her (¿?) in the university this age, I like to be whit my university's friend (and play soccer whit them or play differents virtual games), but the really (REALLY) i love is the music, since Chuck Berry until The Strokes, i love rock,because is psicodellic, whit message anti-establishment, non conformist, etc.

I hope this blog helps me improve my way of writing English, so we can improve this tool, we like it or not, helps us in this cosmopolitan and globalized world.